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Sagar Gopani is a Blogger based in India. Currently he is in Collage called LTIET. He is a web designer and currently learning about web development, he always wants to increase his knowledge about what he is good in, and that's why he started this blog. He shares his ideas on this blog and sometimes his online experience, being online gives him the freedom to share his knowledge with others.

Sagar Gopani started Blogging on topics related to Tutorial. But his interest in web designing and blogging increased and he soon started a blog to share his knowledge of web designing to the world.

Apart from his blogging life, he loves to playing games & watching discovery channel .

He is on various social networking sites, on which you can contact him @ 
Google Plus, Twitter,YouTube or you can simply contact him on his email gopanisagar@gmail.com or gopanisagar@yahoo.com
The blog and blogging career
As he mentioned previously that he started blogging as a hobby and on topics like games etc. but his interest in technical stuffs increased over the time, Google and Facebook are always a source of learning something new from. Apart from Blogging he is also interested in web designing & developing. 

Hungrydevelop is a unique name, that had no records on the internet and that's is why this name becomes the name of his blog. 

The blog is hosted on Blogger, it's fast, easy-to-use, Google+ support and the most important is that it's a Google's product, all photos are hosted on Google servers. 

Until February 2012 the blog design was simple and was implemented from a third party template site, but after learning basic of Web Designing he turned the template of the blog to blogger's simple template (you can find in customization of blogger), the simple template of blogger has been modified to this by himself.

Find him online
He spend most of the time online reading about web design and some of his favorite blogs. But he also spend times in Q&A forums where he helps and learn from others. He loves to spend time in the Blogger Help Forum and Stackoverlow. Whenever he gets time, he visits the forums to learn something new from the web developer and programmers and also to help others and as you know, he is a blogger addict, so whenever he gets time he visits the forum.
More information to be updated soon..

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